Holy Covenant Methodist Church

Listen In Spirit, Connect To God

希伯来书 4:16
Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence,
so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 4:16

异像 : 成为一个塑造门徒的教会 Vision : To Be A Disciple Making Church   使命 : 爱神,爱人,塑造门徒 Mission : Love God, Connect People, Make Disciples 

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: New Covenant Auditorium, FMSS

This combined worship Sunday is only for the first Sunday of the month.
Communities needs to prepare your heart for Holy communion, and tithing will be collected on this Sunday.

09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
English Worship
Location: New Covenant Auditorium, FMSS

Service will be started at 9am. Please be seated and prepare your heart for the worship.

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: New Covenant Auditorium, FMSS

敬拜会在 十一点正开始,请大家 提早前来在圣堂里静默,预备心敬拜。

07:45 PM - 09:00 AM
Location: New Covenant Auditorium, FMSS






时间:早上11点 至 中午12点半
地点:花菲中学 - SBL Hub

欲知详情,请联络主日学校长 - 郑诗仪

It is the Grace of God who give us WORDS to communicate, to feel, to understand and to love. What's more is we are BLESSED as the WORDS can stays forever. Do you have any stories that meant very much to you? You may write it down below to share with us, and get this Amazing Grace counted!
You may find the place you are interested to serve in community
Serve Form​​​
1. Tea Break Collection in between English Service and Chinese Service.
2. Coffee/ tea preparation during tea break.
3. Setup before English Service.
4. Tidy up after Chinese Service.

Please contact us if keen
· 请扫描右图的二维码以PAYNOW方式转账
  You may scan the QR code to give via PAYNOW
2.电子转账奉献Internet banking
· 恩约堂教会户口HCMC Account Details :
  大华银行UOB 1503008853
· 恩约堂UEN No : S98CC1301C
· 支票上请写Payable to : Holy Covenant Methodist Church
You may specify the type of giving in the remarks for internet banking transfer or by writing behind the cheque: offering, tithe/pledge, thanksgiving, renovation etc. Where no remark is stated, your giving will be recorded as offering. Thank you.
  • 吴晓宁牧师 Rev Florence Ngu

  • 洪培正牧师 Rev Timothy Ang

  • 以琳传道 Preacher Yilin

  • 张凱晴传道 Preacher Celest Cheong

  • Singapore 139649
  • Worship Place : Fairfield Methodist Secondary School Auditorium, 102 Dover Road, Singapore 139649

Church Office : 18 Boon Lay Way #05-97 Tradehub 21 Singapore 609966